Leitrim Development Company wish to appoint a Youth Work Assistant to support the delivery of youth services. The Youth Work Assistant will be part of a team with responsibility for the development and delivery of a comprehensive youth supports in the area.
QQI Level 5 Course in Culinary & Service Skills
Posted by Manager
Are you interested in improving your culinary skills or finding employment in the hospitality sector? Our QQI Level 5 Course in Culinary & Service Skills at The Food Hub starts on the 27th January 2025.
For more information contact Teresa Cullen on 083-0212258 or teresacullen@msletb.ie ; or Michelle McLoughlin, Education & Youth Support Worker, on 086-2016614 or michellemcloughlin@ldco.ie
Public Meetings for Farmers & Residents around Arroo & Boleybrack
Posted by Manager
Leitrim Development Company and the ACES Consultancy are hosting public meetings next week for a Natura Communities project. The question of the night is: Can protecting nature create local jobs?
The meetings will feature guest speakers from the Dúlra project, a successful Natura Communities project that created flexible part-time employment for 20+ farmers and fishermen in rural Connemara.