Need more info? Get in touch! 071 96 41770 or email


Leitrim DESSA Empowering Parents/Carers Programme

DESSA, the Disability Equality Specialist Support Agency is a national community development organisation working to support the active and full participation of disabled people and their families in their local communities. The DESSA EmpoweringParents/Carers Programme will support Leitrim parents/carers to acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively advocate on behalf of their children -including…

Design Skills & Digital Fabrication Course - QQI Level 5


This course is commencing on Friday, 28th October 2016. This course aims to provide students with a broad overview of design and digital fabrication. Using a mix of classroom sessions, hands-on lab work and self directed project work, this course will facilitate the learner to engage in a creative design process, appreciate design principles as a problem solving activity and gain…

Events in Leitrim for World Mental Health Week

Monday 10th October 2016 is designated World Mental Health Day. Leitrim Development Company, HSE and a number of agencies, community and voluntary organizations will be hosting a range of interesting, informative and fun events in Leitrim over the course of Mental Health Week (10th to 16th October 2016)

A series of talks, events, workshops and fun activities, outlined below,…

Manual and Computerised Payroll (QQI Level 5)

Manual and Computerised Payroll Course (QQI Level 5)

Commencing on Wednesday the 28th Septebmer 2016 in Drumshanbo Enterprise Centre. The course will run every Wednesday from 10:00am-3:30pm for 12 weeks. The course is free to eligible participants and is funded by Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB.
If you are interested in doing the course please contact Jeanette on 071 9641770 (ext 2).

Beginner Computer Classes

Beginner Computers (Microsoft Word) commencing on Monday the 19th September 2016 in Leitrim Development Company, Drumshanbo. The class will run from 7:00pm-9:30pm every Monday for 12 weeks.

If you would like to do this course, please contact Jeanette on 071 9641770(ext 2). The course is free and is funded by Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB.

Main Office

Church Street
Co. Leitrim N41 RF24

Tel: (071) 9641770
Fax: (071) 9641741

Sub Offices

Mohill Enterprise Centre
Co. Leitrim N41 Y4C0

Tel: (071) 9631715
Fax: (071) 9631895


New Line
Co. Leitrim F91 YK5R

Tel/Fax: (071) 9856016

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The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 -2027.

Leitrim Integrated Development Company Ltd - Reg. Office, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim. Reg. No. 451100

European Commission Website EAFRD

Department of Rural & Community Development

EU Funds Website

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